The businessman was at the pier of a small coastal Mexican village when a small boat with just one fisherman docked. Inside the small boat were several large yellowfin tuna. The businessman complimented the Mexian on the quality of his fish and asked how long it took to catch them. The Mexican replied, "only a little while."
The businessman then asked, "why don't you stay out longer and catch more fish?"
"I have enough to support my family's immediate needs," said the fisherman.
"But what do you do with the rest of your time?" asked the businessman.
"I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children, take a siesta with my wife, Maria, and then I stroll into the village each evening where I sip wine and play guitar with my amigos; I have a full and busy life, senor," the fisherman replied.
The businessman scoffed, "I am a Harvard MBA and I could help you. You should spend more time fishing and with the proceeds, buy a bigger boat. With the proceeds from the bigger boat, you could buy several boats; eventually you would have a fleet of fishing boats. Instead of selling your catch to a middleman, you would sell directly to the processor and eventually open your own cannery. You would control the product, processing and distribution. You would need to leave this small coastal fishing village and move to Mexico City, then LA and eventually New York City where you would run your expanding enterprise."
"But, senor, how long will all this take?" questioned the Mexican fisherman.
"15-20 years," replied the businessman.
"But what then?" asked the fisherman.
The businessman laughed and said, "that's the best part! When the time is right you would announce an IPO and sell your company stock to the public and become very rich. You would make millions."
"Millions, senor? Then what?"
"Then you would retire. Move to a small coastal village where you would sleep late, fish a little, play with your kids, take a siesta with your wife and stroll to the village in the evenings where you could sip wine and play guitar with your amigos," stated the businessman.
The fisherman, still smiling, looked up and said "isn't that what I'm doing right now?"
Rowing has always been my passion. That passion - and a fair bit of hard work - took me all the way to two Olympic Games (Athens 2004 and Beijing 2008). Since retirement from International rowing, I've taken a huge interest in personal and group fitness training and feature writing. And now I am married with a baby daughter. Different Strokes is my forum for combining my thoughts, my experiences and my knowledge on fitness, family, finances and faith. And fitting it all in.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
"I feel strongly about" - my second Rostrum speech
My Dad was the adventurer in his family.
He was the middle child in a family of 11 kids. He is Irish, Northern Irish.
And living up to his name as the adventurer in the family, my Dad bought a cheap, one-way ticket to Australia when he was 18.
I don't think Dad intended on staying in Australia long-term. But, as the story goes, he fell in love with a beautiful woman - my mother - and the rest of his life was pretty much mapped out.
With all the excitement and adventure of a new life, a new love and a new homeland, it slipped my Dad's mind to contact his family back home in Ireland.
Well, that's not entirely true. Dad did write a letter to his mother. He even put the letter in an envelope. He sealed the envelope. He addressed the envelope. And he even put a stamp on it.
Some time later - years later - Dad found that letter in with all his other documents. He had forgotten to put it in the post.
Five years after Dad first set foot in Australia, he decided to go back to Ireland to visit his mother, whom he loved very much.
So without a word of warning, without even a phone call, my Dad arrived on the doorstep of his family home. And who should answer but his loving mother.
Well, you could've knocked her over with a feather. For she had not seen, nor heard from, her favourite son in five years. She didn't even know if he was alive.
It was at that moment that Dad realised the immensity with which his mother loved him.
I strongly believe that we should all take stock of where we are in our lives. We should consider our priorities and make time for our loved ones.
While I never met my paternal grandmother, I have always been relatively close to my maternal grandmother.
Nan is 86-years old. She is frail. And sadly dementia is kicking in. She repeats herself four or five times in a conversation.
And when phoning Nan is just one of the items on my endless to-do list, it's easy to get frustrated with the constant repeating. I have been guilty of putting off that phone call to Nan.
Perhaps we've all been guilty of something similar at some time in our lives. We can get so wrapped up in our own lives - having a great time, trying to make a name for ourselves, trying to get our careers just where we want them. And sometimes we forget about the really important things in life.
I urge you to take stock of where you are in your life right now. Consider your priorities. And if you tell me that your priorities lie with your family and your close friends then don't leave it five years between visits.
He was the middle child in a family of 11 kids. He is Irish, Northern Irish.
And living up to his name as the adventurer in the family, my Dad bought a cheap, one-way ticket to Australia when he was 18.
I don't think Dad intended on staying in Australia long-term. But, as the story goes, he fell in love with a beautiful woman - my mother - and the rest of his life was pretty much mapped out.
With all the excitement and adventure of a new life, a new love and a new homeland, it slipped my Dad's mind to contact his family back home in Ireland.
Well, that's not entirely true. Dad did write a letter to his mother. He even put the letter in an envelope. He sealed the envelope. He addressed the envelope. And he even put a stamp on it.
Some time later - years later - Dad found that letter in with all his other documents. He had forgotten to put it in the post.
Five years after Dad first set foot in Australia, he decided to go back to Ireland to visit his mother, whom he loved very much.
So without a word of warning, without even a phone call, my Dad arrived on the doorstep of his family home. And who should answer but his loving mother.
Well, you could've knocked her over with a feather. For she had not seen, nor heard from, her favourite son in five years. She didn't even know if he was alive.
It was at that moment that Dad realised the immensity with which his mother loved him.
I strongly believe that we should all take stock of where we are in our lives. We should consider our priorities and make time for our loved ones.
While I never met my paternal grandmother, I have always been relatively close to my maternal grandmother.
Nan is 86-years old. She is frail. And sadly dementia is kicking in. She repeats herself four or five times in a conversation.
And when phoning Nan is just one of the items on my endless to-do list, it's easy to get frustrated with the constant repeating. I have been guilty of putting off that phone call to Nan.
Perhaps we've all been guilty of something similar at some time in our lives. We can get so wrapped up in our own lives - having a great time, trying to make a name for ourselves, trying to get our careers just where we want them. And sometimes we forget about the really important things in life.
I urge you to take stock of where you are in your life right now. Consider your priorities. And if you tell me that your priorities lie with your family and your close friends then don't leave it five years between visits.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
'About Me' - My first Rostrum Speecch
I bet a few of you have seen the movie Anger Management.
By starting a sentence in that way, perhaps you're all thinking I'm about to tell you I have anger problems.
I don't.
But there is a particular scene in the movie Anger Management which helps to illustrate just how difficult it is for me to tell you 'About Me.'
As the scene goes, the character Dave, played by Adam Sandler, is participating in his first of many Anger Management group therapy sessions, led by Dr Buddy Rydell, played by one of my favourite actors, Jack Nicholson.
The group of approximately 10 is sitting on chairs in a circle. And as it's Dave's first session, Dr Rydell turns to him and says, "Tell us about yourself, who are you?"
To which Dave answers, "Well, I'm an executive assistant at a major pet products company.
Dr Rydell interrupts: "Dave, I don't want you to tell us what you do, I ant you to tell us who you are."
Dave tries again, "Oh, alright, um ... I'm a pretty good guy, I like to play tennis."
Rydell butts in again: "also, not your hobbies Dave. Just simple, tell us who you are.
This twoing and froing between the two stars of the film continues a little longer until the point where Dave really loses his cool.
You see his leg start to shake and the agitation on his face builds.
"I don't know what you want me to say," he cries, in pure frustration
This outburst is basically the end of the scene.
It's a good scene to illustrate just how difficult it is to describe who you are.
I can tell you about my hobbies: rowing, hiking, drinking coffee, visiting bookshops and wineries, being in th country.
I can even describe my personality: typically easygoing but not afraid to stand up for what I believe in.
Apparently these answers wouldn't stanud up to Dr Rydell's interrogation.
But in all honesty, I'm a work in progress. I guess I'm still working out who I am. So you may just have to read a few more of my blogs so I can tell you more 'About Me'.
By starting a sentence in that way, perhaps you're all thinking I'm about to tell you I have anger problems.
I don't.
But there is a particular scene in the movie Anger Management which helps to illustrate just how difficult it is for me to tell you 'About Me.'
As the scene goes, the character Dave, played by Adam Sandler, is participating in his first of many Anger Management group therapy sessions, led by Dr Buddy Rydell, played by one of my favourite actors, Jack Nicholson.
The group of approximately 10 is sitting on chairs in a circle. And as it's Dave's first session, Dr Rydell turns to him and says, "Tell us about yourself, who are you?"
To which Dave answers, "Well, I'm an executive assistant at a major pet products company.
Dr Rydell interrupts: "Dave, I don't want you to tell us what you do, I ant you to tell us who you are."
Dave tries again, "Oh, alright, um ... I'm a pretty good guy, I like to play tennis."
Rydell butts in again: "also, not your hobbies Dave. Just simple, tell us who you are.
This twoing and froing between the two stars of the film continues a little longer until the point where Dave really loses his cool.
You see his leg start to shake and the agitation on his face builds.
"I don't know what you want me to say," he cries, in pure frustration
This outburst is basically the end of the scene.
It's a good scene to illustrate just how difficult it is to describe who you are.
I can tell you about my hobbies: rowing, hiking, drinking coffee, visiting bookshops and wineries, being in th country.
I can even describe my personality: typically easygoing but not afraid to stand up for what I believe in.
Apparently these answers wouldn't stanud up to Dr Rydell's interrogation.
But in all honesty, I'm a work in progress. I guess I'm still working out who I am. So you may just have to read a few more of my blogs so I can tell you more 'About Me'.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Amazing Andrew ...
Andrew Websdane is one of Renouf’s greatest success stories.
The 38-year-old lawyer has shed over 40 kilograms since becoming a student of the Applecross-based personal training studio three years ago. And along the way he has taken out the title of “biggest loser” on two occasions for his remarkable body-transformation results.
Andrew became the inaugural “biggest loser” when he lost an unfathomable 23.2 kilograms and 19.4 per cent body fat during the fitness centre’s first eight-week “Best Body Challenge (BBC)” in May/June 2010.
And as if that wasn’t enough, he reclaimed the title during Renouf’s third instalment of the BBC in October/December last year, after dropping 14.5 kilograms and 17 per cent body fat.
I decided to investigate what drove the change and how Andrew's life has improved since he first stepped inside the boutique gym in February 2008.
When I first sat down with Andrew Websdane, he was partway through his second attempt at Renouf Applecross’ eight-week “Best Body Challenge (BBC)”. It was November, 20, 2010. And I remember being slightly confused - if not offended - when he turned down my generous offer to shout him a coffee before the formal proceedings of the interview process began. After all, he had – in a previous conversation – told me of his passion for a fine cup of the good stuff.
He explained.
“Before starting the first Challenge I did some research and discovered that when trying to lose weight it’s best to avoid alcohol because otherwise the liver has to work overtime to digest the alcohol and the body doesn’t break down fat effectively.
“So not only did I commit to exercising religiously and eating properly during the Challenge, but I decided it was a good opportunity to give my body a full detox, so I gave up alcohol and coffee as well.”
Andrew's meticulous method worked wonders the first time, so it stood to reason he’d follow the same protocols the second time around.
And thankfully my kind offer wasn’t entirely rejected as Andrew opted for a soothing pot of cancer-fighting white tea instead.
So, just a short time into our rendezvous, I realised that here was a man who was clearly driven to be healthy. And he seemed to have a pretty good grasp on how to do it.
But it wasn’t always the case.
Andrew was a talented (and lean) schoolboy and junior rower. But a busy, stressful and unhealthy lifestyle as a commercial lawyer caused him to stack on 50 unwanted kilograms in his twenties and early thirties (he was 140kg at his heaviest).
“The thought of eating first thing in the morning made me sick, so I used to have a cigarette and a coffee for breakfast,” Andrew recalled.
“I’d eat infrequently but when I did eat I’d have big meals to compensate. And I didn’t allow time to exercise.”
Thankfully that all began to change a few years ago when Andrew heard a Renouf radio advertisement offering guaranteed body-transformation results.
“Guaranteed results were exactly what I needed,” he said. “I didn’t have time for it to be any other way.”
“In fact I was so pushed for time that I had to get my secretary to ring up and get more information. She came in (to Renouf) and did a few sessions to see what it was all about and then she signed me up.”
Andrew steadily lost 20 kilograms over a two-year period thanks to tri-weekly personal training sessions and a gradual diet and lifestyle overhaul.
Then, in May 2010, he took the plunge and enrolled in Renouf Applecross’ eight-week Best Body Challenge, which incorporated the Precision Nutrition system.
“I asked Aaron (Mounier, owner of Renouf Applecross) how much weight I could realistically expect to lose in eight weeks,” Websdane recalled. “He said there was no reason I couldn’t lose 10 kilograms, so I aimed for 15.”
Incredibly, 7.5 kilograms dropped off during the first fortnight and by week six, Andrew had reached his goal weight.
“I had to set a new target!” he boasted.
By the end of the eighth week, Andrew arrived at a lean 96.6 kilograms. And although mentally and physically exhausted, he was understandably “thrilled” with his new-found lighter frame (as was the St Vinnies charity, which received the contents of his entire wardrobe).
But over the next few months - and without the structure of the fortnightly weigh-ins offered by The Challenge – Andrew found the weight coming back on.
Not wanting his weight to spiral out of control again, Andrew bit the bullet and signed up for Renouf Applecross’ third instalment of the BBC.
“I realised I needed the structure of the Precision Nutrition system and the support of the staff at Renouf to get back on track.”
And, just as he had in the first Challenge, Andrew recorded a massive weight-loss during the first fortnight – this time 8.6 kilograms.
In the following six weeks he shed a further 5.9 kilograms to finish the competition on 97.7 kilograms. (N.B. while Andrew actually recorded a lower body weight at the end of the first Challenge, he attributed that to being in a dehydrated state. At the end of the second Challenge, his body was fully hydrated).
The self-confessed “foodie” said the best thing about Renouf and the Precision Nutrition system was that - not only was he eating properly, but - he had learnt how to prepare and cook healthy and wholesome meals.
“I’ve always been pretty handy in the kitchen, but the Precision Nutrition system has helped me become better organised in preparing quality food,” Andrew said.
“The guide is informative and very easy to follow. The recipes are simple to make and delicious, and I’ve never felt like I was starving myself.”
Andrew continued.
"I fully recommend the Challenge to anyone who wants to lose weight, eat better and feel fantastic.
“It’s great for busy people who are time poor as the structures are in place,” he said. “So you don’t have to think about it, you just have to commit to it.”
Andrew is under no illusion that the maintenance phase of his weight-loss journey is going to be easy, but there’s no doubt he’s got the determination, the skills and the support to make it a smooth and successful transition.
“I will eat pasta again, I will eat rice again. I love food!” he admitted.
“But I will always try to eat six smaller meals a day and I’ll definitely have to keep up the cardio training. It will be a lifelong commitment, but one I’m more than happy to make.”
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